This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101020100


MULTISCAN 3D consortium launched its project in Paris

MULTISCAN 3D consortium launched its project in Paris

On September 20th and 21st our Consortium were reunited in CEA headquarters in Paris (France). A remotely option was also available in the context of the Covid crisis. During these two days, our consortium started MULTISCAN 3D project and planned the work to be done in the upcoming months to reach our ambition goals: to reach a real technological breakthrough in the NII scanning systems both in terms of application allowed by the used of laser-plasma source for tomography 3D, then in each technological block in terms of progresses beyond the state of the art from an R&D point of view. Based on the outcome of this two days meeting, MULTISCAN 3D consortium will focus on the first few months on four main points: To initiate the taking up of technical challenges on:


Detectors for static CT : Even though the 3D information should have a limited spatial resolution (few centimeters due to limited number of view), 2D images should have performances similar to current 2D systems. The challenge is to preserve resolution with multiple high energy X-rays sources


The requirements and specifications definitions concerning the input parameters for CT reconstruction (modelling, simulation, …)


The definition of a technical solution for beam transport on multiple target (Free space, guided wave, …)


To start identifying the main ethic and security topics to deal with during the project.

We are all very excited to start this project and wish it to be a powerful tool for the European Customs administrations and detection technologies ecosystem in the years to come.